Pete: How Did this Happen? Love!

I don’t Know where it all began with Pete. It came from “out of left field”. That figure of speech. I been around him in my circle of friends or acquaintances..but never thought, “this guy and I go together”!

I met him when I moved to a new town and was still in an old, now -over relationship. I knew Pete was never feeling “Good”, he had physical illness issues, I heard about, but I never got much out of I never spoke much to him..cause when I tried..he would moan..”ah”..”alright”..To ANY question I asked!!!

ONE DAY..Pete sat with me and my good buddy Dave and laughed hysterical as I ribbed on the poor guy..He then told me “Tracey I fell in Love with You that night”..That was after meeting him 9 months earlier!! He then would buy me cookies, out of …..nowhere, throw them at me as I lay writing for

Twitter and Facebook on my Page Celebritypoopoo, and scare the crap out of me!!

He was funny with me, he always thought of me..he got my sarcasm, he would listen intently to my  nagging and complaining about everyone we knew! He would actively pursue my attention. I would say “Pete, In am not going to give you ANY so stop TRYING” AND you could see he was not listening!! 🙂

SOON MY RELATIONSHIP, of 7 years was over. Pete sat there stunned at the fact I wasn’t engaged and happy anymore.He admitted he envied my now ex. He actually felt bad for me.That was admirable. He didn’t hit on me at all. But yeah our friends in common did! Soon after I did go on a date..but I already had the hots for “Petey Pie”. We already would stay up late with our friends and joke around, laugh til the wee hours..and gee, when he began liking another female, gee, I let him know she wads trouble!

So, I had to find out that Pete wouldn’t make the first obvious move..after my perilous chatty flirting, after our fun late night laughs. After his heartbreak over that bad chick..after the guy I dated a couple times was a dud! I just said to him “Hey Pete, You and Me”! And his face lit up and he  like he was the “Cat that ate the canary”!

Since then, with fate on my side and his has been a real ride of good times. Passion and Love. Different from anything I ever had before. I don’t know what will happen but I thank Pete for the here and now.